Friday, March 25, 2016

Lost bowl

I honestly just looked in my cubby  today and found this, I made on the wheel a very long time ago, and I was just feeling the color red. So I used some of Haley's Sedona Sand and I hope that it turns out well.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ann Arbor Art Center Transparent matt

Ball clay               40
Ferro firt #3124   30
Wollastonite         25
Dolomite               5
total                  100
+Copper carbonate 1% for apple green

Coil Bowl

This coil bowl I was actually really proud of, and I was taking my time with this one as well. But one day when I went back to it it had dried out beyond repair, so I had to start over. I'm excited to see how this project comes out, hopefully I like it.

Finished Broken Cube

Okay, so I already posted the start of this project, before it was glazed. Eventually I got around to glazing it, I didn't seem to finish glazing the cube though, and a couple weeks later I picked it up and just threw another glaze, and hoped that it went well. I mean, I don't think that it looks too bad, it's just a little spotty.


I actually took a lot more time with this project than I have with any other project, because I actually wanted to try to get it right. I made this Bob-omb with coils, we were assigned to do one coil bowl where it is apparent that it was made with coils and one bowl where it wasn't. This bowl is a representation of the coils that aren't noticeable. The only thing that I wish I had done differently was actually use white glaze on the white parts, but it had slipped my mind.